Total Sales Forecast:The OLED luminescent material market will grow at an average annual rate of 5.8%


Market research firm UBI Research predicted on December 4th that the OLED luminescent material market will expand from $1.84 billion this year to $2.43 billion in 2028, with an average annual growth rate of 5.8%.

According to analysis, during this period, South Korea's material purchases will grow by an average of 4.2% annually, and are expected to expand from $1.110 billion this year to $1.36 billion by 2028. China's material purchases are expected to reach $1.07 billion by 2028, up from $730 million this year.

If expected, the rates of purchasing OLED luminescent materials in South Korea and China in 2028 will be 56% and 44%,
respectively. However, Chinese panel manufacturers may also use low-priced materials, so the market for luminescent
materials in China may shrink compared to current expectations.

From the perspective of enterprises, according to UBI Research, the purchase amount of luminescent materials for

Samsung displays will reach $810 million, LG displays will reach $550 million, and BOE of BOE of BOE will reach $440
million by 2028.


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